Deliberate practice makes presentations perfect.

Deliberate practice makes presentations perfect.

Grabbing your audience. Getting the meeting. Winning the investment. All these things are in your grasp. But…you’ve got to prepare. Preparation, however, isn’t a rehearsal. It’s knowing what to rehearse, why it’s important and the outcome...

How to Inspire Confidence in Investors

Investors buy people. No doubt, they are also buying into your business, but the critical question they ask themselves is, can you execute on the idea? Both underselling or overselling yourself can be detrimental to your cause. In this video I look at why people fail...
The words you choose when presenting matter.

The words you choose when presenting matter.

The words you choose when presenting matter. Most don’t realise the damage they can inadvertently do to their cause by using the wrong words. Investors fund you based on your ability to execute. They need to know you have a relentless resourcefulness to bring your...

How to Mentally Prepare for a Successful Pitch

Mental preparation is crucial to a successful pitch! Your mental state determines the energy you emit and the energy you emit is the defining factor over whether you get the result you want. Too many people go into a pitch with the wrong energy because they focus on...
Public speaking is a skill anyone can master.

Public speaking is a skill anyone can master.

People assume I’ve always been comfortable presenting to an audience. They think I’m a natural. But nothing could be further from the truth. When I was young, I was painfully shy. I almost developed an ulcer because I was so worried about public speaking. My sister...
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