It’s not what you say, but HOW you say it.

When looking to influence another person, many people assume that what you say is the most important factor… Research shows, however, that your words only represent 7% of the impact you make. In reality, 38% of your impact is through your voice tone and 55% is...
Attention is the only currency that matters.

Attention is the only currency that matters.

It takes 10 to 30 seconds for people to decide whether you’re worth listening to…or not. That’s face-to-face. Online it’s much less. This is important. Today, there’s so much competition for the eyes and ears, hearts and minds of your market, that attention is the...

How to Manage your Nerves Before you Pitch

Most of us battle nerves before making a presentation in public and it’s no different when pitching for investment… Nerves can be good. They help produce adrenaline, which brings energy to your presentation. However, they can also be detrimental. Investors can...
The Problem with European Modesty

The Problem with European Modesty

Europeans have a major pitching handicap – modesty. I was asked by Microsoft Netherlands to coach a CEO whose company had made a breakthrough in the detection of childhood autism. As the only Dutch company presenting at the Microsoft European Summit, they wanted her...
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