Advice for Women Entrepreneurs

I’m pleased to report the number of women entrepreneurs I coach is growing fast! However, because of the make-up of the investment community, inevitably they find themselves pitching mostly to men. This is important to know because I’ve witnessed some...
Murder Your Darlings

Murder Your Darlings

In 1916, celebrated author, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, famously coined the phrase, “Murder your darlings.” He implores writers to remove any element that doesn’t serve their story. Even those you love. It’s good advice and something people pitching for investment...

Audiences don’t behave like a group.

Audiences don’t behave like a group. They are a collection of individuals who all demand individual attention. To engage your audience then, everyone in the room must feel like you are speaking directly to them. Yet, this can feel like an impossible task when...
What Dance Taught Me

What Dance Taught Me

Dance has been my greatest pitch teacher. When I first started taking Salsa lessons, I was really bad at it. I’d played soccer in my 20s, so moved like a Jock. I was stiff. I lacked flow and grace. But I loved the music and watching how beautifully other people moved....

How to Grab Attention

When pitching to potential investors, you’ve got to make an instant impact. If you don’t, you won’t capture your audience’s attention and attention is the only currency that matters. When you get an investor’s attention, you get the meeting, you get the money and you...
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